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  • Writer's pictureJagshakti Jhelumi

Is Chef Jag's 5-Day Juice Detox the Key to Shedding Pounds and Feeling Refreshed This Summer?

As summer unfolds, many of us are embracing new routines, travel plans, and leisurely days. To complement this vibrant season, I am thrilled to introduce a new service: Chef Jag’s 5-Day Juice Detox! This rejuvenating cleanse is perfect for prepping your body for the rest of summer, ensuring you feel light, vibrant, and ready to embrace all the season has to offer.

Why Juice Detox?

Juicing offers numerous benefits, allowing your body to absorb nutrients more efficiently than consuming whole fruits and vegetables. By giving your digestive system a break from processing fiber, you can enjoy:

  • Weight Loss: Freshly made juices are low in calories and high in essential nutrients, helping you shed those extra pounds while keeping you energized throughout the day.

  • Improved Digestion: Juicing allows your digestive system to take a break from breaking down complex fibers, making it easier for your body to absorb vitamins and minerals, and promoting better gut health.

  • Boosted Immune System: Packed with antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals, these juices strengthen your immune system, helping you fight off illnesses and stay healthy.

  • Enhanced Toxin Removal: Juices made from fresh fruits and vegetables help to flush out toxins from your body, giving your liver and kidneys a break and promoting overall detoxification.

  • Reduced Cancer Risk: Regular consumption of nutrient-rich juices can lower your risk of cancer by providing your body with powerful antioxidants that combat free radicals and reduce inflammation.

This detox is designed to be an add-on to your regular weekly cooking sessions, providing an extra boost to your health routine.

The Juices

My detox features five uniquely crafted juices, each inspired by the beautiful cities of Washington State and the vibrant spirit of Seattle.

  1. Seattle Glow - Cold-Pressed Green Juice

  • Ingredients: Apples, Cucumbers, Celery stalks, Lemons, Spinach leaves, Kale leaves, Parsley

  • Benefits: Promotes healthy hair and nails

2. Bellevue Radiance - Root-Based Skin Detox Juice

  • Ingredients: Apples, Lemons, Butternut Squash, Parsley, Carrots, Ginger roots, Beets, Kale leaves, Spinach leaves

  • Benefits: Detoxifies skin for a clear, radiant complexion

3. Tacoma Trim - Fat-Burning & Weight-Loss Juice

  • Ingredients: Ruby Red Grapefruits, Oranges, Lemons, Limes, Ginger roots, Cucumbers, Celery stalks

  • Benefits: Aids in weight loss and boosts metabolism

4. Olympia Shield - Immunity-Boosting Juice

  • Ingredients: Strawberries, Oranges, Watermelons, Carrots, Tomatoes, Fresh Turmeric roots

  • Benefits: Strengthens the immune system

5. Everett Replenish - Healing & Nutrient Replenishment Juice

  • Ingredients: Coconut Water, Apples, Spinach leaves, Honey, Mint leaves, Lemons, Pineapples, Blueberries

  • Benefits: Replenishes nutrients and promotes overall healing

How It Works

  • Duration: 5 days

  • Service Includes: Three servings of juice per person per day (total of 30 servings for two people)

  • Designed for Couples: This service is designed for couples to enjoy together. If you are single and interested in this service, please contact me for an individualized plan.

  • Appointment: Two-hour session with Chef Jag

  • Preparation: I will bring a cold-press juicer and handle juicing, storing, and labeling the juice bottles in your fridge.

  • Ingredients: List will be sent four days before the appointment

During your detox week, I recommend eating only clean, simple, and protein-forward meals with minimal fats and no carbs. If you’re already my client, I’ll prepare these meals for you. If not, I can provide a detailed list of foods to eat during your detox.

Why You Should Try This Detox

Think of this detox as an investment in your health, a way to eliminate toxins and start fresh. It’s especially beneficial before your summer travels, helping you feel lighter, lose weight, and fully enjoy your vacation.

Special Rate

This special appointment is offered at a standard rate of $95/hr for the two-hour juice cleanse session.

I urge all my clients to try this detox, particularly before their summer trips. Let’s make this summer a celebration of health and vitality!

Ready to book your detox? Contact me today to schedule your appointment via Jag My Chef App, available on Apple & Android App Stores.

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